Leader As Executive Coach

  • Leader As Executive Coach (LAEC) is a powerful developmental approach designed for leaders who are seeking for providing greater value to their clients, their teams and their organizations after advancing their own ability to have purposeful, powerful coaching conversations.
  • (LAEC) is intensive workshop developed to empower you with competencies and practices required to be a successful leader and successful executive coach as well.
  • (LAEC) will sharpen the leaders’ abilities to set and achieve goals, take action, produce better results for themselves and their team as well.
  • (LAEC) will help you as a leader to unleash your team members’ real potential by empowering them to utilize their own natural strength in order to improve their performance and achieve company objectives.
  • (LAEC) will help you to master the core competencies and key coaching fundamentals as per the top worldwide schools in coaching industry (ICF, EMCC and AC).
  • (LAEC) will provide you with multiple opportunities to practice leadership coaching and get chance to receive individualized feedback that reinforces your learning and sharpen your leadership capabilities.

  • (LAEC) give you multiple opportunities to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world situations through group exercises, discussions, reflections, video presentations, keynote speeches by renowned coaches and leaders, and hands-on coaching practice with valuable feedback.“


What sets LAEC apart from its competitors?

One distinguishing feature of the LAEC Training program that separates it from other coaching programs in the Middle East is its accreditation by three of the world’s foremost coaching schools. 

  • ICF (International Coaching Federation), USA
  • EMCC (European Mentoring and Coaching Council)
  • AC (Association for Coaching)
This recognition is a clear indication of the LAEC program’s excellence and its commitment to providing top-tier coaching education

Join our Instructor Dr. Hesham Ezzat on a Guided Tour of Our Program Through Four Short Videos

“Take the Lead with Confidence: LAEC’s Acclaimed Coaching Program Endorsed by the World’s Top Leadership Coach, John Mattone.”

Learning Objectives

Leaders who attend this workshop will be able to

  • Establish a clear definition of coaching and differentiate it from mentoring, counseling, and consulting
  • Establish coaching agreements by setting clear boundaries, that prevent misunderstandings or potential conflicts.
  • Establish and maintain a trusting relationship with the clients and key stakeholders during coaching engagements and beyond, following ethical guidelines.
  • Employ the essential coaching competencies during conversations with clients and obtain valuable feedback from your mentor to enhance your coaching abilities.
  • Demonstrate active listener during coaching conversation by remaining attentive, observant, empathetic, and curious throughout the process..
  • Maximize the benefits for clients by utilizing effective dialogue and feedback techniques, and by asking powerful questions during coaching sessions
  • Demonstrate confidence and emotional management throughout the coaching process
  • Develop authentic leadership manners through practicing the behaviors of the World’s Most Successful Leaders.
  • Unleash their Full Potential by Enhancing Self-Awareness and Identifying Opportunities for Growth.”
  • Empower the client to generate actionable ideas for progress, and help them reframe their perspectives by facilitating their ability to see things from different angles.
  • Design actions and opportunities for ongoing learning that will most effectively lead to coaching results.
  • Help Client to align individual goals with organizational goals to improve business performance.
  • Develop and maintain an effective coaching plan with clients, manage ongoing progress, hold clients accountable for actions, highlight and celebrate successes, and adjourn the coaching process.

Who Should attend?

The program is designed to fit 4 Clients’ categories:

For current leaders who strive to upgrade their experience and capabilities through figuring out the best practices of top leaders. Moreover, they have the eager to learn the latest leadership theories and practical applications of the most impactful leaders, furthermore they are interested in sharpening their tactics and strategies to get the best of their teams.

  • For potential leaders who are ambitious to get step forward and show up their skills as a potential nucleus to be future leaders. They will master leadership skills essential to maximize their level of influence.
  • For those who want to build up their career as leadership and executive coaches. They will understand their clients’ needs and pain points to enable them getting the best of their teams.
  • For entrepreneurs who have their own business and aim to maximize their business results through unleashing the real potential of their team members

LAEC Learning Journey

LAEC “Leader As Executive Coach” course has been designed with a specific focus on providing an all-encompassing and immersive learning experience. The course structure comprises of five distinct phases, which have been carefully developed.

Before diving into the workshop experience, we begin with a crucial step: the pre-workshop activity. This component is thoughtfully crafted to equip participants with the necessary knowledge and skills to engage with the material effectively during the workshop. The pre-workshop activity involves readings and assignments that must be submitted before the workshop, which serves as a foundation for learning during the workshop. This preliminary step is critical to ensuring participants are well-prepared and ready to make the most of the workshop


  • 48 Hour is synchronous
  • 12 Hours asynchronous


Our course is designed to be highly interactive and engaging, utilizing gamification, games-based learning, and business simulations to enhance the learning experience. We believe that a hands-on approach to learning is essential for participants to fully internalize the material and apply it effectively in real-world scenarios.

Throughout the course, participants will have numerous opportunities to engage in group exercises, coaching demos, and simulations, which provide a safe environment to practice and refine their skills. We understand that coaching can be a sensitive and challenging process, which is why we create a supportive and non-judgmental learning environment where participants can experiment and grow without fear of failure

As part of our program, Stage 3 involves a 10-hour mentorship with our experienced program facilitators. This mentorship provides an opportunity for participants to receive personalized guidance, feedback, and support as they apply their newly acquired knowledge and skills in their specific contexts. During the mentorship, participants will work closely with our facilitators to discuss their goals and challenges, receive practical advice and recommendations, and develop a plan for continued growth and development.

In Stage 4 of our program, we offer a personalized and hands-on approach to support participants in their application for accreditation. Our team of experts will guide participants through each step of the process, from preparing the necessary documentation to navigating any challenges that may arise.

We understand that applying for accreditation can be a daunting and time-consuming task, which is why we provide comprehensive support to ensure that participants have the best chance of success


Stage 5 of our program! is the cerebration phase of your achievement as a certified executive coach, your hard work and dedication are recognized, and we want to showcase your achievement to the world. To do this, we will proudly promote your success on our LinkedIn profile, providing you with increased exposure and recognition as a certified executive coach. This recognition will not only celebrate your achievement but also help to further your professional development and growth, opening up new opportunities for success

Would like to Know more About LAEC Coaching Model?

Would like to Know more About LAEC Facilitators?

Do you want to boost your team’s productivity and success? Are you prepared to upgrade your leadership abilities and become an exceptional executive coach? If so, Leader as Executive Coach is the solution you’ve been looking for.